среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

The Devoted Friend

"Good friends are like stars...You don't always see them,   but you know they are always there." 

 Write a few sentences on the topic. Use 60-80 words. Deadline: 29.09.13.

24 комментария:

  1. The meaning of this phrase I understood like that we don’t always see our best or not best friends, but they are close to us. They are those people who can always support us or give an advice. If you need a help, then friend is always can help you. "A friend in need is a friend indeed". This is it. Emelyanov.

  2. Even if the other is not there, it does not mean that it will not help you in this difficult time. This is important for our age, because soon we will leave to study in other cities, but you have to believe that, even at a distance, we will seek to communicate and help each other. A true friend who cares you will never forget about you and will seek a meeting.
    Rita Khlistova 11B

  3. "Good friends are like stars ... you do not always see them, but you know they are always there."
    Indeed, a good friend is always there, even if you are far away from each other. They are like the stars in the sky. They will be in the sky, even when the sky is covered with black clouds. And when trouble happens, the clouds dispersed and friends will shine even brighter.
    For example, I meet with my best friend is very rare, but I'm sure she will help me in difficult times.
    Alena 11 A.

  4. this phrase very accurately describes friends. Because friends are those ladies with whom we communicate constantly and always those who will come to our aid. but there are people who are not your real friends that I can bring at any time. therefore skipped should have real friends because they can support you in difficult times, or not letting them die of boredom.
    Sisyuk 11А.

  5. Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
    I agree with this expression. After all it is, we do not always have the opportunity to see them, but we know that they are. Of course do not forget about them for a long time, they need to call, write. In addition, real friends as the stars shine in your life, so they need to be appreciate and respect, as to find the best friends is not easy, but very easy to lose.

  6. I think this phrase is a very important in our time. Many people don't need in a real help, but when they feel unselfishness and support from their friends, they become strong and brave. So people won't be in a trouble. Each of us has got a friends, but, unfortunately, many our friends are fake. And we try to see in other people this qualities during all life.
    Anna Molokova 11Б

  7. We can not always see with our friends. But that does not mean they are not there. True friends even from a distance would communicate, write, call. We can talk to them about our experiences and problems. They always support you in difficult times and help advice when you need it. And you feel their presence, even if you are far away from each other.
    Leisan Gilmutdinova 11Б

  8. I suppose that this philosophical and profound phrase is an extremely important nowadays. Each of us communicate with a lot of people every day. Sometimes we forget our friends and start to chat with new people. It is an annoyingly! Don't forget friends. If we need a help, then friend will help you. So, each of us can find a free time to call your friend.
    aryslanov tmyr 11 a

  9. "Good friends are like stars...You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."
    I agree with this expression. After all it is, we do not always have the opportunity to see them, but we know that they are. In the distance we can communicate, write, call. True friends always support you in difficult times and help with advice when you need it. True friends are not easy to find but easy to lose.
    Yura Kuznetsov 11 Б

  10. "Good friends are like stars ... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."
    I completely agree with this statement, and I believe that it is most clearly reveals the real, the concept of friendship.
    Friends are not always the people with whom you spend a lot of time. A friend is known in trouble, and not in the fun. Friends joined the invisible threads. When life presents us with challenges are real friends are always willing to help. Real friends, hard to find and easy to lose.

    Katya Neustroeva 11В

  11. A friend is a person who always helps in difficult times, and with it a fun and comfortable. Everyone has friends, but real friends are always small. Best friend does not pay attention to your faults, it helps to find dignity. Friends may be far apart, but between them there will always be an invisible connection. "Good friends are like stars ... you do not always see them, but you know they are always there."
    Tronina Anna 11 B

  12. Good friend is devoted. He is ready to help you need it. So you know that he is nearby constantly. You feel that you are important for him. For this reason good friends are compared to starts which are shining for all time. But even the most devoted friend can't be with you every moment. In fact he may be far from you however your thoughts and desires will be together because you are the best friends.

    Klim Shutov 11 A

  13. "Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

    Friends are very important in our life. I think one cannot live without friends. The best friend is person who is pleasant you and you enjoy be near with this person. Also the best friend is person who helps you of the difficult moments. You discuss all yours troubles and try to find the best decision in any situation. Best friends is very dear to us and we should try to do best to be a good friend too.

    Alexander Popov 11Б

  14. "Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

    Friends are stars that everywhere around us, even if we are separated by great distances. Easy to lose a friend, but to find, oh, is realy hard.
    And to bе a good friend, is serious work .
    It is a pity that in life we don't find many real friends.Friendship should be valued.

    Abdullin Rinat 11 В

  15. "Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."
    I agree with that phrase. Real friends don't always together, can not always to see. Friends can share huge distances, they may live in different cities, countries, but they are always ready to help and support spite of everything. If a friend wanted to see you, he would do anything for it, because you are dear to him ... So I think the real
    friendship is eternal ...
    Julia Menshikova 11 Б

  16. "Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

    I love and cherish my friends. The best friends I have not much, only two.However, I am fully confident in them. I can trust them all and I am confident that they will understand and support me.I believe that friendship - this is important in life. After all, a friend can be trusted with the most cherished secrets, problems and joys, ask for advice. I can not imagine my life without friends

    Tutova Sonya 11 B

  17. Best friend is a person who will help you in a difficult moment, who will rescue you and will never leave in the lurch. With your best friend we will always be together in sorrow and in joy. Yes, there are quarrels, but they позади.С best friends feel like a family. Friends are those people who you know are able to understand and support in those moments when others do not understand. With them you divide life.

    Rozhkova Nastya 11Б

  18. Many people have friends. But sometimes people don't distinguish real friends from simple acquaintances. A true friend will help you in any situation. You may feel that you haven't got friends, but there is always someone who will rescue you. He considers you a friend. It's like a star in the sky. You can't see, but yet there is!

    Kapustin Ars 11 B

  19. I agree with this expression. because real friends may not be there, but you always feel their presence in your life, even if they are miles away. friends support and help if you need it and no circumstances will not stop them. I believe that this phrase very accurately captures the essence of friendship. Pushkareva

  20. I don't agree with this statement, because in modern society where often material values prevail over moral, many people are ready to betray for the sake of obtaining benefit or fleeting pleasures. Whether each person can betray at all to forget about you, if you didn't see each other long ago. You shouldn't hope that your friend is "not such as all". Why, then, to hope and to remember friends? I think, in modern society the phrase: " "God (in our case "on the friend") help those who help themselves" is more approaches.
    Pikas Igor 11Б

  21. As for me, a friend - is a person, with whom you can be totally honest, who can understand and give you a hand. A friend will be with you in every difficult case and will never betray. Yes, sometimes friend leave us, thousands of miles can divide us, but not always their presence is necessary, enouth just know that somewhere far away they want to see you too.
    Ruzanov, 11A

  22. I agree with this expression. Indeed, we don't always see our friends, but they are close to us. Friends are those close people you can tell absolutely everything, you can always trust, you can rely on. Good friend, to my mind, is to be ready to help one another in any situation, nevertheless how difficult it is, to support one another and to solve all the problems together. So, friendship is very important in our life. Andrey Samolin 11 A

  23. This phrase means that our best friends always with us and they could support us in anytime. I agree with this expression because the best friends can help us in an hour of need and you know that they close to you, but it is not meaning that you always have to see them. To sum up, you should appreciate their support and give it to them too.
